What Colleges Do NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Winners Come From, and Where Do They Go?

The National Science Foundation has just announced the winners of the 2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

The Fellowship provides three years of support for graduate study in science and engineering (this includes social sciences, such as economics and geography, as well as anthropology) at a university in the United States.

2,000 awards are offered, each of which includes tuition and a stipend of $32,000 per year (expected to be raised to $34,000 this year).

Of the 2,000 fellowships awarded, how many went to aspiring anthropologists? Just under 3%, or 57 fellowships. Among anthropology awardees, archaeologists won 11, or 19%, of the fellowships.  2,004 people achieved Honorable Mention (you don’t get a stipend or tuition remission with this honor, but hey, you can get access to supercomputers), and the stats are similar: 58 anthropology candidates, of which 17, or 29%, are archaeologists.

The list of graduate schools archaeology awardees and honorable mentions will be attending is diverse. Two awardees will be attending Syracuse University, but no other institution will have more than one awardee.

See the summary tables after the break for the breakdown by anthropology subdiscipline, graduate institution awardees will be attending, and the undergraduate school they are coming from.

For Honorable Mentions, while 2,004 were awarded, data was presented by the NSF for only 1,948 of them.

For the raw data, visit the NSF.

Anthropology Graduate Research Fellowship Awardees by Subdiscipline 

Subject Fellowships Awarded Percent Honorable Mention Percent
Biological Anthropology 16 28% 15 26%
Cultural Anthropology 13 23% 11 19%
Archaeology 11 19% 17 29%
Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology 11 19% 10 17%
Medical Anthropology 4 7% 2 3%
Other: Ecological Anthropology 1 2% 0 0%
Other: Environmental Anthropology 1 2% 0 0%
Other: Bioarchaeology 0 0% 1 2%
Other: Bio-cultural 0 0% 1 2%
Other: Ethnobotany 0 0% 1 2%
Total 57 100% 58 100%


Graduate Institutions that Archaeology Awardees Will Attend

Graduate Institution Awarded Honorable Mention
Arizona State University 2
Harvard University 2
New York University 1
Not Listed 2
Pennsylvania State Univ University Park 1 1
Syracuse University 2
The University of Texas at Austin 1
University of California – Berkeley 1 1
University of Georgia 1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1
University of Iowa 1
University of Massachusetts Amherst 1
University of Massachusetts Boston 1
University of Michigan 1
University of New Mexico 1
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2
University of Oregon Eugene 1
University of Pittsburgh 1
University of Texas at Austin 1 1
Washington State University 1


Undergraduate Institutions of Archaeology Awardees

Bachelor’s Degree Awarded Honorable Mention
Arizona State University  – 1
California State University Institute  – 1
Central Michigan University  – 1
College of William and Mary  – 2
Johns Hopkins University  – 1
Montclair State University  – 1
New College of Florida  – 1
Northwestern University 1  –
Ohio State University  – 1
St Mary’s College of Maryland 1  –
Stanford University  – 1
Texas Christian University  – 1
The University of Texas at Austin 1  –
University of California-Davis  – 1
University of California-Los Angeles  – 1
University of California-San Diego 1  –
University of California-Santa Cruz 1  –
University of Chicago 1  –
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  – 1
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  – 1
University of North Carolina at Wilmington 1  –
University of Oregon Eugene 2  –
University of Pittsburgh  – 1
University of Texas at Arlington 1  –
University of Washington 1 1

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