The Orvis X Barbour X Land Rover Sweepstakes

Source: Orvis

Orvis and Barbour have been teaming up to give away restored classic Land Rovers (like this green one, which was won by a Massachusetts woman and her dog ). 2019’s sweepstakes vehicle was a 1994 Defender. Looks like the winner flipped it for cash (maybe to pay the taxes on the prize). A ’95 Range Rover, restored by Congleton Service was the most recent prize. No word yet on where it ended up.

Sweet tartan upholstery on the Land Rover Defender. Source: Bring A Trailer.
The most recent Orvis giveaway: 1995 Range Rover (sweepstakes just ended). Source: Orvis.

Barbour X Land Rover Defender – Sweepstakes

Barbour, Orvis, and Land Rover have combined to offer via sweepstakes a classy 1995 Land Rover Defender, restored by East Coast Defenders, green paint and canvas on the outside, saddle leather, tartan, and waxed cotton on the inside. That’s the American version. Over in Barbour’s home country, they have another custom Defender available.




Land Rover with a Landing Pad

Land Rover Hero. Source:

Project Hero is a Land Rover Discovery with a Landing Pad on the roof for your drone. The drone can land on the roof while the Land Rover is in motion; a powered cover keeps it from getting blown off the roof.  Use it to find out why you’re stuck in traffic on the highway, or, as originally intended, to assist Red Cross emergency response teams. Details at Land Rover.

Land Rover Hero comms