The New York Public Library has scanned and released 20,000 historical maps under a Creative Commons license, including this 1874 map of Tyrone Township showing Lamoka Lake.
That’s a low resolution map below, go to the NYPL Map Warper to see this in high resolution. The library is crowdsourcing the georectification of these maps, which you can also do at the Map Warper. actually explains the georeferencing part better than the NYPL does. Essentially, you can can overlay the historic maps on modern maps, like in Google Earth. Yes, you can download them as .KML files.
How do I get a copy of the Tyrone map shown on this site? Thanks
Go here:✓&field=text&query=tyrone&from=1544&to=2001&show_warped=0
If that doesn’t work go to the main New York Public Library Warper page and search for “Tyrone”:
Good Luck!